
The Room

There’s a hallway in my dreams that I’ve never been able to place in reality. Yet, at the same time, it’s utterly familiar. I know this hallway intimately. Do I only recognize a path I have walked many times in my sleep, or is there another reason it calls to me?

This hallway haunts me. At the other end is a closed room, with a door that I don’t dare open. I don’t know why. I only know that there is some inherent evil on the other side.

Still, every night, I walk the same footsteps, until I am once again standing in front of the door. I press my hands against the wood, and it feels hot against my skin, and I can never bring myself to turn the handle. What is behind there? Why do I fear it so much?

I can’t answer these questions from my side of the door, but I can’t open it, either. An impasse.

Until one random day when I’m lying down on my couch. My head isn’t comfortable against the armrest, so I end up pushing it further and further back, until finally my head is actually hanging upside down. I casually view the hallway from this new angle.

What I see is the same hallway from my dreams. The one I dread each night, yet somehow never noticed before was mine all along. At the end of the hallway is the same room that’s always been there, now inversed.

His room.

Suddenly, I know why I am always afraid in my dreams. I’m afraid now. I quickly sit upright, and ignore the hallway and the room at the far end. The door that’s always locked.

That night, I’m in the hallway again. Only, this time, I don’t walk towards the door. Instead, I turn around and try to run away, only I can’t. The door always appears in front of me, no matter which way I look. It looms closer and closer.

Now, I’m there again, standing in front of the closed door. My hands press against the wood. I glance down at the handle, fearfully, and am not surprised to see it finally turn.

No. No, please no. I don’t want to go into that room. Not that room where he went inside and hanged himself, and never came out again. I don’t want to go inside, yet I already am. The door’s open. The room’s the same as I remember, even after all these years.

The noose is waiting.

The Fall

Cast down from among the stars
The moonlight pierces my wings
Shades of silver covers my spent
And broken form like a promise
All my remaining dust and ether
Wasted in the journey of my fall

I am now only shattered fragments 
Of stained glass, the pieces scattered
And forgotten, timeless and precious
So I collect them all with care, reform
That lost picture, yet still all I have now
Are memories of being forever forsaken

In the Dark

We can’t hide anymore.

For a long time, our safe places were secret. Our people could walk the forests during the day without fear, knowing that once night fell they could all disappear before the danger appeared.

But then the floods came, and now the safe places are impassible. There’s nowhere to go.

Night falls.


Want to know what happens next? Check out the full and edited story here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FVY71NW.

Burnt and Broken

So now you’ve finally made it
You’ve achieved the goal
Was it worth everything
You ever gave up to get here

Was it worth it to hurt me
To hurt yourself and everyone
Who ever tried to love you
To throw us all away like we’re

Garbage to get tossed aside
When you’re through, bored
Of me and all the dreams we
Shared that didn’t help you

Pull your way up to the top
Because you come first, I
Completely understand, but
Did you have to give me hope

Why did you promise me
Forever just to take it away
When you changed your mind
Did you ever really mean them

The promises that you whispered
In my ear at nights, the love
You said was mine, and did you
Have to ignore me and all your

Friends trying to be there for
You when things were rough
How does it feel when you look
Around and no one’s there now

So was it worth all the pain
You went through, the fights
And crying that you caused
Burning all your many bridges