
Shape of the Truth

Never solved
Peels at you
Digging and clawing
Hooks into your skin
What's revealed underneath
What secrets are beneath
Forgive everyone
We all have them
Bugs in our minds
Burrowing ever deeper
No way to dig them out
Hear the clicking
Feel the crawling
Persistent and unfading
Marking us all in our
Own personal ways
They burn, the questions
That will never be
Answered, forever
A mystery that drives
Us all into insanity
Trying harder gets you
Nothing in the end
Have to hold your
Breath and ignore the rot
Pretend it smells sweet
That everything's all fine
No more emptiness
Knowing the truth is cold
Oh, so very cold
Waiting for the next thaw

Find the Way Out

Climb up out of the pit
Lock and load, baby
Time to destroy it all now
Feet pound the ground
Pull out and pump up
Get your blood flowing
Not scared, won’t cower
Crash onto the floor
Climb up out of the pit
Lock and load, baby
Time to destroy it all now
Feet pound the ground
Grit in my teeth
Dirt under my fingernails
Not the right way
Don’t care about that
Climb up out of the pit
Lock and load, baby
Time to destroy it all now
Feet pound the ground
Have to crawl out
Hands and knees raw
Live another day now
Nothing else matters but
Running faster and shooting
Harder, making something of
Myself, finding out how to
Survive this pit of hell
Climb up out of the pit
Lock and load, baby
Time to destroy it all now
Feet pound the ground
Must get out of here somehow
Danger in every direction around me
Endless paths to curl up and cry on
So many different ways to die
Climb up out of the pit
Lock and load, baby
Time to destroy it all now
Feet pound the ground

Fall Under

Can’t get out of my head
Thoughts spinning around
Endlessly wandering about
What is there to face today
Hard to let go, let go
Impossible to hold on
Drowning in the truths
Can’t find a single one
Hard to figure out the truth
So many different kinds of lies
Bury them so deep and secret
Digging them up is hard work
Hard to let go, let go
Impossible to hold on
Drowning in the truths
Can’t find a single one
Need to keep a grip on myself
Reality holds nothing here
Slips right through my fingers
Clings to my skin as it drops
Hard to let go, let go
Impossible to hold on
Drowning in the truths
Can’t find a single one
Hard to know where to step
How to navigate my way through
Manage to grasp onto it once and
Have to let go or be pulled down
Hard to let go, let go
Impossible to hold on
Drowning in the truths
Can’t find a single one
Nothing is permanent here
Those clinging thoughts fall
Everything disappears fast
Into the void of the forgotten
Hard to let go, let go
Impossible to hold on
Drowning in the truths
Can’t find a single one
Ignore the forlorn feeling
Thousands of thoughts overwhelm
Just another mark of wishes
Turning into dust in my hands
Hard to let go, let go Impossible to hold on Drowning in the truths Can’t find a single one

Behold Yourself

Hide the tracks
Don’t reveal the tricks
Hold your breath
Don’t forget the time
Have to fight on
Make the right decisions
No chance for second guesses
Just another day on the job
Don’t drop your guard
Always be on the lookout
Pitfalls and traps become the norm
Quicksand hard to walk through
Smile, smile everyone
But don’t forget the struggle
If something seems easy
Be wary of the hidden noose
Read the mind and predict
Where the next hit will fall
It’s the only way to win
To not be dragged back under
No chance to cower
When you’re trying so hard to
Figure out how to survive
In a world that runs away
Just know that there’s so
Much you don’t understand yet
And fight your way through
Until you learn to stay awake
Be always on the go
Rocking back and forth
Reflection distorted and warped
What is there to see?



Flash of anger Fierce and relentless Gushing forth No rhyme No containing Useless to fight the urge Can’t hold it back Not even a warning Simply lash out Full-throttle No going back Spit it all out Get the blackness up Leech out the poison Hard to resist So much temptation Regret it all later Or even never The loss of control Impossible to predict Time collapses Swirling vortex
Breaths panting
Heartbeat racing
The most you’ll ever feel alive
Is when you can’t see
Blind by the haze
Gift and curse in one blow
Learn temperance
But never let go
Of yourself
The anger grows with you
Part of you
Never to relinquish its grasp
Parasitic and dependent
In that way
You’re the master
So own it always


Branch out From what you know Reach for the ceiling
Punch the glass Watch it fall Shatter into a thousand Pieces, shards of lost souls
Only way to climb higher
Make yourself something new
Shiny in the light of hope
Forever lasting Until the new ceiling Forms into existence Time to break again
Always cracking One thing and beginning one anew Eternity doesn’t mean Immortality
Best to start another cycle Make a new way Teach another option
Best to feel unbalanced Stumble up the next step Than feel numb to your core Just more and more
Deeper than before What’s the harm in hoping Give in to the journey
Have an accident a day Forget the urge to hide Stand proud and tall