

Flash of anger Fierce and relentless Gushing forth No rhyme No containing Useless to fight the urge Can’t hold it back Not even a warning Simply lash out Full-throttle No going back Spit it all out Get the blackness up Leech out the poison Hard to resist So much temptation Regret it all later Or even never The loss of control Impossible to predict Time collapses Swirling vortex
Breaths panting
Heartbeat racing
The most you’ll ever feel alive
Is when you can’t see
Blind by the haze
Gift and curse in one blow
Learn temperance
But never let go
Of yourself
The anger grows with you
Part of you
Never to relinquish its grasp
Parasitic and dependent
In that way
You’re the master
So own it always


Branch out From what you know Reach for the ceiling
Punch the glass Watch it fall Shatter into a thousand Pieces, shards of lost souls
Only way to climb higher
Make yourself something new
Shiny in the light of hope
Forever lasting Until the new ceiling Forms into existence Time to break again
Always cracking One thing and beginning one anew Eternity doesn’t mean Immortality
Best to start another cycle Make a new way Teach another option
Best to feel unbalanced Stumble up the next step Than feel numb to your core Just more and more
Deeper than before What’s the harm in hoping Give in to the journey
Have an accident a day Forget the urge to hide Stand proud and tall

Moments to Pursue

The breeze is an adventure Every new scent curious
To explore and play and hunt Forever on the trail of what's next
Hop onto the mystery Time to watch for the right moment
Ready for the next strike Have to make it this time
Go in for the ultimate kill Make sure today is a victory
Defeat is only ever temporary Fighting for the rush and joy
No meaning except the trivial Yet still so very important
That’s the reason for trying For the sport and the glory
No need to make it personal Just love the quest for itself
Make the most out of life Really capture all the moments
Worth having, no regrets Living for the right reasons

Learn the Steps

Carved and sculpted Into the perfect shape Freedom to grow Wanting to know The truth and the search How to travel the path Make yourself worthy
Sometimes the method Hurts and confuses Poisons and decays New ways will emerge Over and over Paths open and close Which way do I go
So many times to fail So many times to succeed Dreading the fall Anticipating the rise Cut the strings and dance To the tune inside of you Let yourself learn the steps