
The Shadows Series Preview

Chapter One

It’s not even the ghosts that are the problem.

Two months ago, Alex was horseback riding with her neighbor along one of their favorite trails. Something spooked Pepper, the bay mare suddenly halting before she swung to the side and took off into the woods. All Alex remembered after that was a blur of trees, the horse between her legs, and then nothing but open air. She was flying, then falling.
And then she was drowning.
She fell into the creek, hitting her head. If it wasn’t been for her neighbor following closely behind and pulling her up out of the water, she might have died.
As it was, her dad worried enough after that for three people, forbidding her from getting back on a horse for at least a month and wanting her to stay home from school for a week. Alex would have been more annoyed at all that if she wasn’t so worried herself. Not about almost drowning, which she didn’t remember anyway. It was the ghosts she could suddenly see everywhere that were the problem. At first.
Alex didn’t know why she kept their sudden appearance a secret, except that she didn’t think everyone freaking out even more was going to help anything. Besides, she didn’t even know if they were really there. Maybe hitting her head was causing her to hallucinate. Still, it really wasn’t a problem for her after a couple of weeks. She slowly became very good at completely ignoring them.
No, the ghosts, while unexpected, weren’t the problem. It was the other things she could now see that were disturbing. Alex didn’t even know what to call them, the dark, formless shapes she sometimes saw hovering around other people like detached shadows. And even then, maybe she wouldn’t have started to worry so much if she didn’t begin to notice that the longer one of them surrounded someone, the more of whatever they were sunk into and beneath people's skins, slowly covering them completely.


Book One of The Shadows Series - The Advent - is now available here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07P1B7LX6.

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