
Ready Steady Go

This is the price of maturity.

You know the limitations of your dream
You know its height and width and depth
Its edges and centre and the light it emits.

You know the rhythm of its beating heart
You know every shift and shadow of its form
Its weight in your hands as you hold it close.

You know that eventually you’ll let it go
You know how easy it’ll shatter at your feet
Its loss instantly regretted and forever mourned.

Because this is the price of growing wise.



This is the end
And it isn’t romance
With love and sweet kisses

This is the end
No thunder and lightning
The storm passed on by

This is the end
Shattered dreams are nothing
They don’t hurt one bit

This is the end
Fire and brimstone
And floods are sheer fancy

This is the end
Wisdom comes swiftly
To last for a lifetime

This is the end