
Found You

Am I imagining this?
The way we laugh together
Soft and quiet and careful
Am I imagining this?
The way we sit together
Close and warm and comfortable
Never thought I’d see the day
Never thought I’d feel this way
Have to hold my breath tight now
Because I’m still not sure it’s real
Am I imagining this?
The way we speak together
Hopeful and brave and honest
Am I imagining this?
The way we struggle together
Take down anything in our way
Never thought I’d see the day
Never thought I’d feel this way
Have to hold my breath tight now
Because I’m still not sure it’s real
Am I imagining this?
The way we fit together
Two sides of the same puzzle
Am I imagining this?
The way we exist together
So perfect and so imperfect
Never thought I’d see the day
Never thought I’d feel this way
Have to hold my breath tight now
Because I’m still not sure it’s real

Finding someone like you

Feel This

When you feel this
This creeping in your soul
And you know
That you have to let go
When you hate
Hate so badly that you shake
Want to hide away
And scream all day
When you laugh
Laugh so hard that you can’t stop
Hurts so good you
Want it to stay
When you cry
Cry so much that you run dry
Nothing else inside
Feel so numb
When you breathe
Breathe steady and slow and solid
From the deep bottom
Of your lungs
When you create
Create yourself in front of everyone
Ready for their verdict
Full of confidence
When you destroy
Destroy it all only to build again
Start anew before
You lose yourself
When you can’t go on
On the road where you stop and fall
And can’t get up
Lie there and just sleep
When you can’t stop
Stop going so hard that you’re dying
Nothing to grab onto
No anchor in sight

When you feel this
This creeping in your soul
And you know
That you have to let go

My Symphony

I am tough. I am fragile. I am me.
Hear me roar, hear me laugh, hear me cry, hear me scream.
I am strong. I am weak.
I am a cynic. I am an idealist.
I am proud. I am shameful.
I am funny. I am boring.
I am joy. I am wrath.
I am everything, and I am nothing.
But most of all, I am my integrity.
And that’s something no one else can ever take away from me.


“When all else fails, remember to be kind, be courteous, be gentle, be sweet. When all else fails, remember what a wonderful friend you can still be to someone, including yourself.”