
No Guarantees

You always hear that everything will be better someday
That your life will have some meaning someday
You’ll want to get up in the mornings someday
It’s so hard to wait for someday to arrive, though
Somedays are just dreams, you see them in your sleep
But they fade away as soon as you close your eyes
Vanish into the darkness, until you wonder if they ever existed
Somedays aren’t guarantees unless you make them come alive
When you want to close your eyes and hide away, just remember
That your someday will never come unless you search it out
Have to get up and walk a step, and then a million more to find
What you’re looking for, or someday won’t ever happen at all
Somedays are just dreams, you see them in your sleep
But they fade away as soon as you close your eyes
Vanish into the darkness, until you wonder if they ever existed
Somedays aren’t guarantees unless you make them come alive
Why do things never happen the way that you plan them to?
How many years does it take before your someday arrives?
I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I know that
I’ll never figure it out unless I discover my someday fairy tale
Somedays are just dreams, you see them in your sleep
But they fade away as soon as you close your eyes
Vanish into the darkness, until you wonder if they ever existed
Somedays aren’t guarantees unless you make them come alive
Does a happy ever after exist for everyone? I don’t think it does
Sad, but sometimes someday never comes, and then you have to settle
Still that’s no reason not to try and try, and try some more to make
Your someday happen, and hurry towards that distant happiness
Somedays are just dreams, you see them in your sleep
But they fade away as soon as you close your eyes
Vanish into the darkness, until you wonder if they ever existed
Somedays aren’t guarantees unless you make them come alive
Somedays are just dreams, you see them in your sleep
But they fade away as soon as you close your eyes
Vanish into the darkness, until you wonder if they ever existed
Somedays aren’t guarantees unless you make them come alive

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